Wednesday 27 March 2013

All That God Wants You To Be

I found this on Google images and thought "woah". It's hard to think about but, it's true right? Can you honestly say that without going through what you have been through in the past, you would be who you are today? 
The things that you have been through have shaped you into who you are right now. 
God created us, he designed us, he knows us - every little detail and it is all carefully stitched together to make up exactly who he wants you to be. Not what you want or what society wants, but what God wants.
When an architect designs a house, he knows all the measurements, details, problems with the house. He has created it and he will follow it through to see the house built to how he wants it, how he planned it. If someone else comes in and changes something, trying to make it like other houses, it won't all fit together. Because it won't be exactly like the designer planned. 
God knows exactly how to shape you into the person he wants and he knows you can be, but he's not going to do it straight away.away We have to grow into that person. And when we grow, God smiles, he's proud of who we are becoming. 
There may be problems and struggles along the way but just trust that God knows what he is doing. He's known from the very beginning so why do we fight it? Because we don't like it? Tough. We'll be pleased it happened eventually and when we enter into Eternity, we will be able to say, "I did everything you wanted me to do, God". 
God has a good plan for your life. 
Romans 12:2 says:
"Don't become like the people of this world. Instead, change the way you think. Then you will always be able to determine what God really wants-what is good, pleasing, and perfect."
Change how you think, and think about what God wants, not others.

God Bless

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