Thursday 1 November 2012

What does the future hold?

Hiya, so on Sunday evening I came home from church and after having tea got involved in a very deep conversation about Heaven and Hell. It was quite heavy but brilliant to get questions out into the open that had been on my mind for a while.
One thing that became clearer was this verse: 
"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea." Revelation 21:1
I've always thought of Heaven being out of our time but no one knows where it is. However one thing that really made me think was talking about restricting Heaven, by giving it a limit. We assume that heaven is above us - in the sky but that means that it has a level where it stops and that is limiting God. Why do we do that? 
The idea of Judgement Day has also always confused me as I've never really been told much about it. I wasn't sure if I was meant to believe in it. I thought that I either believed in souls going straight to Heaven and being with God or that the dead remain in the ground until Judgement Day when God will Judge the dead and send them to either Heaven and Hell.
However I have now learnt and am beginning to understand the idea of God creating a new Heaven and new  Earth. I still believe that when someone dies and if they have given their life to Jesus then their soul will go to Heaven to live with God UNTIL the final judgement day. There will be a time when Jesus returns and will raise the dead and judge both the dead and the living. The current Heaven will be brought down to the current Earth and all will be judged. Then the first heaven and first earth will pass away. 
With regards to where Heaven is I believe that it is completely outside of time as God is eternal and too outside of time so it is irrelevant. 
However despite not being able to understand everything, one thing I do believe is that there is place in Heaven with MY name on it, and your name too if you have given your life to Jesus. Now I'm not saying that I am a "perfect Christian" and therefore I have a place in Heaven because I am most certainly not! But it is God's grace that has given me a place. I don't deserve it, none of us do. We are sinners. But Jesus died so that these sins can be forgiven. He did all the hard work for us! "IT IS FINISHED" That truly means that the debt has been paid, it's done and Jesus is waiting for me in Heaven.
So even though death is a scary thing to think about, let your hope of Heaven overcome this fear as there is nothing to be scared about when you are going to be with your Saviour.
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation 21:4
There are still things that I am unsure about and I guess I will not know until I get there but please if there is anything I missed or that you believe please comment below or email me :)  I would love to hear other people's views!!
God Bless

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