Sunday 11 November 2012

Random Thoughts

Ok it's 10.40pm and I feel like doing a blog post as there is so much going round my head! 
I can't seem to get over how awesome God is! He is incredible! I love listening to worship songs because they are so meaningful and powerful to me, it's how I connect with God I guess.

Although I have been through a rather sucky year, I need to remember that GOD NEVER LEFT ME... I struggled with that for a while, and still do to be quite honest but I need to keep reminding myself of the truth.

I've had a few days in the past week where I've felt like I was being attacked, I had bad days where everything seemed to go wrong and I've felt really depressed and upset, putting myself down all the time. I just don't feel adequate sometimes. 

But the song above - Jesus Paid It All is one of my favourites! Just because of the emotional connection I get with it! I don't know why it's just a very meaningful song to me! It's very uplifting, and powerful!

"JESUS PAID IT ALL" - It just sums it all up really!!

Right, that's got a few things of my mind!

God Bless
Sarah xx

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