Wednesday 30 January 2013

We All Have Scars

Sorry, I haven't written in a while, but it's now 11pm, I haven't got any sleeping tablets left and felt I needed to write a post, so here I am!

We all have scars, some deeper then others, nonetheless they are there.

One scar that a lot of us have are battle wounds, battling with our minds. I have just started reading Joyce Meyer's Battlefield of the Mind that they sent me and already it has made me realise that, the devil has a lot of patience, he wants to do a job properly, so we need to stop him before he gets a chance. If not, things can go terribly wrong. We need to use spiritual weapons to defeat him:
Praise - our attention is fully on God and the Devil hates that.
Prayer - we are developing our relationship with God, one which the Devil cannot come between if it is strong enough.
The Word - the more we know the Bible, the more powerful it is as a weapon, Jesus used it as a weapon. He won.

Troubles may have held us captive in the past, but we need to let go of them, so the Devil can not use them as footholds, forgive people, forgive yourself and pray. The simplest, yet I think the hardest. 

So I've not been too great lately but I keep having to remind myself of the Truth, even if it's by listening to music, I need to reinforce it in my mind. 

We all have scars, some deeper then others, but they will soon become part of who you are, and when people ask you can say you fought a battle and won. 

You, yes, you reading this post are amazing and God loves you no matter what you have done, or have been through, never ever forget that...

God Bless
Sarah xx

1 comment:

  1. And just as important, You, yes, you Sarah, reading this comment are amazing and God loves you no matter what you have done, or have been through, never ever forget that...
