Wednesday 2 January 2013

New Year New Start... This Time I Mean It!!

It's the second day of 2013 and right now it's 11.34 I should be asleep or at least attempting to but I wanted to write this. After a lot of messing around I finally got here (I'm on my iPod)
So I just read a bit of Galatians as part one of my New Years resolutions (read and study bible more) and I came across Paul asking a crowd who he was pleasing them or God? The answer was God. I want that to be my answer! I focus too much on what other  people think of me and I need to stop that!
Next thing is in a devotional I read that God completely understands me and what I'm going through. I need to renew my mind and focus on him! I also need to spend more time with him. Hard but I am going to try!
Wish me luck!!
God Bless

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