Friday 11 May 2012

Do Not Be Ashamed Of Jesus

I found today pretty tough going. Why? Because I felt the Devil was testing me, provoking me to see when I would break. However he did not do this in a direct way but rather through my friends. Somehow we got into the discussion of religion and my faith as a Christian. The majority claim to be atheists and were firing questions at me that I did not have a clue how to answer. I wanted to stand up for Jesus but I didn't know what to say except "I don't know how to answer some of your questions but I know what I believe and that is I believe in God."

Now they weren't doing it to be horrible to me but rather to test me I think. To push me to see how far they could go. They were trying to wind me up. There were various remarks such as "If you weren't a Christian you'd have a lot more fun." If I wasn't a Christian, there would be no point to my life! Others were "the Bible's a lie", and "it's all just a crutch". I won't deny that this didn't upset me but I tried my best to ignore them or to try and prove them wrong. Which can be quite a difficult task when put on the spot! 

I've always found this to be a very difficult subject. It's all very well saying we must tell people about Christ but how? It's so hard when someone is adamant that He doesn't exist! And it can be hard to declare that you're a Christian knowing that you may get questioned about it like I have experienced. 

I am not ashamed of my faith but I do find it difficult to share it. I created the image above to declare this. When we are struggling we just have to look to God and trust that he will gives us the words to say. We won't convert people over night and going around shoving it down people's throats is definitely not the way to do it! But we can still sow seeds. Maybe something we say will stay with people and they will dwell on it, remember it and come back to you to ask you for more.

Do not be ashamed of your beliefs. Romans 10:9 says:

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

I remember at the start of my GCSE RE classes a few years back we were asked to write down 3 things we didn't believe in and 3 things we did believe in. Then a few of us were asked to read one out. I was first. I remember not wanting to admit that I was a Christian at first as I was worried what the other people in the class would think. So I said, "I don't believe in reincarnation." The teacher then asked me if I believed in Heaven and Hell. I said yes. At this point I was standing up, all eyes were on me. My palms were sweating and heart was racing. She then asked me if I believed in God and in Jesus. Straight away I said "yes". She concluded with making me state I was a Christian. When I said it the verse above jumped into my head. My heart was still racing but in a good way not a nervous way. I had done it. I had admitted what I believed in front of all my classmates. I knew that God was cheering me on and so pleased that I had done it. I knew it. Every time we declare Jesus as Lord and Saviour there is a huge celebration in Heaven. I left the lesson feeling very proud of what I'd done. 

"But he said, "I am not crazy, most excellent Festus, but boldly declare words of truth and reasonableness." Acts 26:25.
We need to boldly declare the truth and not be ashamed to stand up for what we believe in. We will be rewarded in Heaven when we get there.  It's hard but God is with us all the way. He knows what we go through. Jesus was ridiculed to, they put Him on a cross because they saw Him as a threat. But if He hadn't gone through all that pain, where would we be today? 

God Bless


  1. Love it. Inspiring and humbling for me to read this, as it's still a struggle for me to speak out in some situations. Thank you Sarah. May God bless you! X

    1. Thanks :) Means a lot to know that it's helping you! It's really not easy is it? x

  2. Sarah you really are a great encourager. I always remember someone saying that it is not our job to convince people or get into arguments about God but simply to tell them the truth - the biblical truth. I found that really releasing as it kinda takes the pressure off. The way we live our life should be the greatest testimony and is the greatest challenge. In the Western world where it is pretty easy to be a Christian we can choose how much to share our faith but it is a commandment - to go make disciples of all nations. I don't think I've ever met anyone who doesn't find this a real challenge - me included and I hope and pray I'll do a better job of it in the future than I have in the past. Bless you xxxxx

    1. Thank you so much for your feedback. You make a very good point about living our lives and showing others the truth, I completely agree with you there.
      God Bless x
