Monday 7 May 2012

God is all powerful!

Today is Bank Holiday Monday. We went for a walk around Grande Rocques and Port Soif. The weather wasn't great, quite cloudy but I got some very cool shots of the clouds. Above is a panoramic photo that I took to show the contrast of the dark and light sky. I just love looking at God's creation. Isn't it amazing? Days like these remind me that God is all powerful, after all look at His amazing work! Clouds are an amazing creation, they always look beautiful. Whether they are dark and stormy like this or white and fluffy!

Jeremiah 10:12 says: 
"But God made the earth by his power;
    he founded the world by his wisdom 
    and stretched out the heavens by his understanding."
How incredible is that?! I was at New Wine Guernsey this weekend and helping in Rock Solid - primary age kids. We were doing all about creation. It was amazing to get a fresh look at it. We all know the creation story but sometimes we need reminding. One thing that really stuck out for me was how if we want to make a cake we need ingredients but God created the Universe out of nothing! He didn't have ingredients, he didn't need them! He is the Almighty God! Nothing is impossible for Him. Now that is power! 

Not only did He create everything from nothing but all He had to do was speak and it would appear:
"And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light." Genesis 1:3
After we had learnt this, we went on to discover that even though God is MASSIVE in comparison to us, he cares about us sooooo much. He created us and loves us! One of the songs that we did was called "God's Love Is Big". Here are the lyrics:

God who made the universe
The earth, the sun, the moon and stars
Has a place in His heart for me
From the beginning to the end
God will always be my friend
So I can jump and shout 'cos God loves me

God's love is big, God's love is great
God's love is fab and He's my mate
God's love surrounds me everyday
And I love to sing and say
God's love is big, God's love is strong
God's love goes on and on and on
God's love surrounds me everyday
And I love to sing and say...God loves me WEHAY!

This song made me smile so much over the weekend because it is just so true and very catchy! We did some great actions too. 

The point of this post is really to encourage you that whatever you may be going through, God is right there with you and He is MASSIVE compared to whatever you are going through. He has a special place for you in His heart and loves you very much. I have been through some pretty rough months but New Wine has totally refreshed my love for God. I know that He is all powerful and can do anything! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!


  1. ahhh I remember 2 years ago, at new wine, doing God's Love Is Big for the Kids :) now I still play it along with Jamie, Mikey and Alex in Shiloh's youth band :)

  2. It's such an awesome song!! Thank you for commenting! You are the first one :D Hope you like the blog!! :)
