Monday 21 May 2012

Why Is It Important To Worship?

Above is a typography video that I created in After Effects a few weeks ago. I got the idea after watching various YouTube videos. When I listen to a new song I like to have the lyrics in front of me, so I can follow it, learn it and most of all take them in. I love worship songs, I have so many favourites!

For the video I chose the song Not Guilty Anymore by Aaron Keyes. When I first heard the song, it made me cry. The lyrics were just what I needed to hear at that time. I felt very guilty for things and very alone in my depression. I knew people around me cared but sometimes I just didn't feel it you know? I'd also been struggling with my faith a little, I couldn't hear God and it felt like He was so far away. I KNEW He was there, but I didn't FEEL it. However something that got me through that time was worship. Yes I found it hard to worship God when I felt He wasn't listening to me. But deep down I wanted to and knew that is what I had to do.  Music just relaxes me and I love to just sit for hours with music playing in the background. Personally I find that I am closer to God when I do so. 

When we are asked why we worship God, we usually say that He is the all powerful Creator and deserves all our praise. We take it for granted. But why is it so important to worship Him? First of all God commands that we worship Him. He wants all our attention, so that we can have an amazing relationship with Him. Imagine if you were in a relationship with someone who you loved very much, you'd want them to give you all their attention, wouldn't you? The relationship wouldn't work if only one of you loved the other. It's a two way thing.

Secondly, think about all that God is. Think of every word you can to describe Him. Think of everything He's done, all that He's made. Surely He deserves praise! No one can ever over shadow Him. Nothing compares to Him. He is worthy of our worship.

I believe that worship is very important in our relationship with God. Just as much as praying or reading the Bible is. God deserves to be worshipped, He's amazing!  

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